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Model: Custom Hose Assembly
Manufacturer: RParts
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This items is for the assembly charge only. You must buy the hose and fittings also.
The assembly charge is a flat $40. You must add the hose and fittings to the shopping cart also.
So when ordering a custom hose follow these steps:
1) Order the bulk #8 or #10 hose. Rounded up to next higher whole feet of hose. 2) Order two fittings.3) Order the Custom Hose labor (this item) and use the space below to describe the custom hose. Mention anything special about the hose such as which fittings are used (in case you are ordering multiple hose with different fittings) or if rotated 90s are needed.
Rotated Fittings: In the case of 90 degree fittings, rotated means they are not both bending away from the hose in the same direction. For example, with the hose laying flat and straight left to right - fitting #1 on the left points up and fitting #2 on the right points down.